The problem was that when I framed the image, it wasn’t giving me that magical look. Since I wasn’t in any hurry, I started walking around the tree like I was stalking it, and came upon an angle that had all the right stuff—lighting, shadows, glint of the sun, along with the backdrop of a deep blue sky. When I got back to the digital darkroom, I was really pleased with what I had. By going in circles, literally, I found my picture.
I often tell my friends when we’re out on photo shoots, to periodically stop and look over their shoulders because that perspective is the one that most people miss. I have to remind myself of the same thing, and today I learned a corollary…look at your subject from more than one angle and you might just be surprised, and rewarded with what you find. It takes time, and it takes practice. And it's because I know that it takes practice that I will grab my camera and just go out on walk-abouts...that way I'll be better prepared when going on destination-specific shoots.
(photo metadata: 1/180 sec @ f/6.7, ISO 200, focal length 11mm)
(photo metadata: 1/180 sec @ f/6.7, ISO 200, focal length 11mm)