just got back from another trip to Yuma, Arizona. Not too many people
have been there, and many who have have either stopped just for gas or food or
have driven straight through it. This was a destination trip though, and
one that included some new discoveries (for me), of both historical
significance, as well as the current vibe of the town…it’s surprisingly a
happening place!
Arizona is located in the southwestern corner of Arizona, just across the California
border. Very early expeditions saw the natural crossing of the Colorado
River at this point as an ideal spot for a city, as the Colorado River narrows
to slightly under 1,000 feet wide. The town, initially called Colorado City,
was renamed Arizona City in 1858. The city was almost completely destroyed by
the Great Flood of 1862 and had to be rebuilt on higher ground. It took
the name Yuma in 1873.
the 1850s to the 1870s, the Yuma Crossing was known for its ferry crossing.
From 1852 it was the major steamboat stop on the way up and down the Colorado
River. Yuma served as the gateway to the new Republic (California), as it was
one of the few natural spots where travelers could cross the otherwise very
wide Colorado River. After Arizona became a separate territory, Yuma became the
county seat for the area in 1864. The Southern Pacific Railroad bridged
the river in 1877.

north of the Colorado River at this Yuma Crossing is The Saint Thomas Yuma
Indian Mission. It is a Catholic mission which was dedicated in 1923, and
replicates the Mission Puerto de Purísima Concepción, which once stood on the
site. That mission was constructed in 1780 and was destroyed the
following year during a raid and massacre by the local indians, frustrated by
their treatment at the hands of the Spanish colonists. The site is California
Registered Historic Landmark and a plaque on the site and statue of father
Garcés commemorates the ill-fated mission.

south of the river however is another very historic site. It is the
location of the Yuma Territorial Prison. Opened in 1876 with the first
seven inmates (who participated in building the prison), this prison was
ultimately the home for over 3000 prisoners until it’s closing 33 years
later. Despite an infamous reputation, written evidence indicates that
the prison was humanely administered, and was a model institution for its time.
The only punishments were the dark cells for inmates who broke prison
regulations, and the ball and chain for those who tried to escape. Crimes
ranged from murder to polygamy, with grand larceny being the most common. A
majority served only portions of their sentences due to the ease with which
paroles and pardons were obtained. One hundred eleven persons died while
serving their sentences, most from tuberculosis, which was common throughout
the territory. Of the many prisoners who attempted escape, twenty-six were
successful, but only two were from within the prison confines. No executions
took place at the prison because capital punishment was administered by the
county government. By 1907, the prison was severely overcrowded, and
there was no room for expansion. A new prison was built in Florence, Arizona
and the last prisoner left Yuma in 1909. The Yuma Union High School
occupied the buildings from 1910 to 1914.

is the view from the guard tower at the Yuma Territorial Prison.
of Yuma lies the Fortuna Foothills. On one of its peaks lies a series of
radio and communication towers. A partially paved and quite steep service
road winds its way to the peak and provides for a very popular hiking trail for
the locals. We planned to hike only partially up the trail, but went far
enough to enjoy the scenery which included views of the city along with a
variety of plans, most notably the Ocotillo. Although not a true cactus,
the Ocotillo is indigenous to the Sonoran Desert and Chihuahuan Desert in the
Southwestern United States, and northern Mexico. The bright crimson
flowers appear especially after rainfall in spring, summer, and occasionally
fall. Flowers are clustered at the tips of each mature stem.

the hike there were also several Saguaro cactus present. These are one of
the defining plants of the Sonoran Desert and are large, tree-like columnar
cacti that develop branches (or arms) as they age with protective spines, white
flowers in the late spring, and red fruit in summer. Saguaros are found
exclusively in the Sonoran Desert. The most important factors for growth are
water and temperature. If the elevation is too high, the cold weather and frost
can kill the saguaro.

in Yuma, the downtown has experienced an amazing transformation over recent
years and continues to evolve as a hot spot for both locals and tourists.
Boasting many shops, boutiques, and casual dining spots, the downtown are draws
many to its doorsteps on a daily basis. The Historic Yuma Theatre,
originally built in 1911, was a vaudeville theater before it was converted to a
movie house. Now restored, it serves as the centerpiece of the Yuma Art Center
and hosts a variety of shows. Nearby is the somewhat misnamed Lutes
Casino. Though this Yuma original is called a “casino,” there isn’t
(officially) any gambling at this pool hall, known for its “eclectic” décor and
fun menu. Nearby is The Pint House which features 45 brews on tap and an
inventive foodie experience including a bacon appetizer that can best be
descripted as hot bacon candy... I had it and it’s unbelievably good!
And of course there’s Da Boyz, located in the renovated Kress Building.
Had some amazing pizza here along with an appropriate beverage!

in all, I’d have to suggest that if you haven’t been to Yuma, you should plan a
weekend (or longer) there… preferable before summer though—it can get quite
warm there!!