Does this mean that you should lug your massive DSLR along with your assortment of lenses, tripod, etc...every time you run down to the grocery store, or go out to walk the dog? Not necessarily, but you should at least have a smaller camera available to you at all times--that is, if you never want to be caught off guard. Many people are lucky to have these new "smart phones" that have fairly impressive image capture specs. Other people use their first or second generation digital point-and-shoot cameras because of their small size and convenience. Whatever works for you best is what you should do. The main point is that it would be a shame to be somewhere, have an opportunity present itself, and then not be in a position to take advantage.
Well, it was fairly easy for me to anticipate a photo opp last weekend when I was planning to visit Hermosa Beach. I knew I would be outside and would walk along the beach. The weather was clear, crisp, cool in the shade, warm in the sun. Turns out that it was a perfect day for walking, cycling, skating, volleyball, and of course sailing--and such was my opportunity as I walked out on the pier. Off the coast was a cluster of sailboats, almost as if they were socializing, crossing paths and changing positions with each other in a conversation of movement. The sun back-lit the fragile sails, making them appear to me like the wings of a delicate butterfly. The bright light glistened off of each rippling wave and swell. In the distance was Catalina Island. The composition was essentially made for me...I just needed to have a camera.
Aha, I DID have my camera--and I was lucky enough to capture this beautiful seascape. So next time YOU head out, even if for a quick casual errand, make sure you are prepared for that next great photographic opportunity--have a camera with you!