Well, it was that pedestrian walkway that was to lead me from my initial views of the incredible falls on the Llano River to an even closer view of that cascading spectacle from its center. The music of the crashing water complemented the visual drama making for one of those truly inspiration moments. Taking it all in, it was from the center of the bridge that I first spotted the Great Blue Heron. I’ve seen plenty of them in the Southern California’s coastal marshlands near my home, but was surprised to see one in the middle of Texas Hill Country. I’ve observed these birds before and have a sense of their behavior. You have to be patient if you want to see them move because when they’re not hunting, they‘re likely to stand in one place for an hour.
This of course is my opportunity…one half of the Luck Equation. As I’m enjoying the falls and taking additional pictures, I being thinking about and making Preparation, the second half of the Luck Equation. Preparation for the inevitable repositioning flight of the heron caused me to ensure I had a fast shutter speed (I had been using a slow shutter speed to give the falls that creamy dreamy look you often see in photographs). I also needed to ensure that I had my focus mode and focus settings right so that if, or when, the heron took off, I’d be all set. So as luck would have it, the equation was complete.
I saw the heron begin to move, spread its wings and begin to take off. I was ready for this and began taking multiple photos of its flight. Of course I have no control over where it flies, but I do have control over my ability to capture that flight’s drama with appropriate exposure and sharpness. It was only when I reviewed back my images, and really, when I saw them on my computer’s large monitor that I realized more fully what I had captured. Among the nearly dozen shots I had taken, one of them showed the heron flying directly in front of a particularly interesting section of the falls. Not only did I have nice large boulders and rock in the frame, but the heron itself with its dark grayish blue colors was set off by the brilliant white of the rushing water.
The Luck Equation’s reward had been calculated in my favor….
If you practice and are active with something, in any endeavor, you improve your chances for luck happening to you. Please check out some of the other Texas Hill Country photos on my website gallery (http://www.costamesaphotography.com/TexasColoradoNevada/Texas) and see if you can spot any more evidence of luck. If you do, I’d love to hear from you-- CostaMesaPhotography@gmail.com
I like the photo of the heron!!!