in October I went on a photoshoot with another friend to the OCWD Groundwater
Replenishment System facility. The Orange County Water District is
responsible for managing the vast groundwater basin that provides most of
northern and central Orange County’s drinking water. As part of our groundwater
management, OCWD maintains one of the world’s most advanced managed aquifer
recharge systems to replace the water that is pumped from about 400 wells
belonging to local water agencies, cities and other groundwater users. The most
recent improvement to the District’s recharge system is the completion of the
Groundwater Replenishment System in Fountain Valley. This system now
provides purified water sewer water via a 13-mile pipeline that terminates at two
recharge basins. This project, which began purifying water for recharge
in January 2008, is a new source of very high-quality, locally-controlled water
for year-round recharge. This is particularly important now that other
sources of imported water that have historically been relied upon for recharge,
such as the Colorado River and the State Water Project, are becoming
increasingly scarce.

you’re interested in seeing my entire photo collection from the shoot, you can
at: http://www.costamesaphotography.com/Categories/OC-Water-District/
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