was “Snow Land 2014”, an annual event put on by Torelli Realty for the children
and families of Costa Mesa. It was the first time I’ve been there, and I
was there this year as the official event photographer. Although I don’t
have a true count, there must have been easily over 1000 people there based on
the number of photographs I took of children with Santa Claus! The count of
smiles and laughs had to be in the tens of thousands!!

of things I used to tell people that I enjoyed about refereeing soccer games
was that I was literally out in the middle of the action, feeling the drama,
and seeing up close the faces of determination, effort, and either the
jubilance or disappointment of results. I had this same sense when
photographing a wedding for a niece several years ago, and I had it again
yesterday when sitting up close and personal with all the children as they sat
with Santa Claus as they whispered their Christmas gift wishes to him.
There were some unbelievable smiles of joy and happiness, quizative expressions
of uncertainty, and the occasional horrified screams and crying—and that was
just from me!!
week we had some big rains forecasted, but very lucky for us the rain came
Thursday and played itself out by late Friday leaving nothing but blue sunny
skies for the event on Saturday. An outside company was at the park at
the crack of dawn spraying a large play area with a blanket of snow. When
I arrived, the trucks were just pulling away having left a fantastic play area
for the children that were to arrive soon.
Also being set up when I
arrived were a number of canopies and tables for various organizations and groups
there to support the event. There was face-painting, cookie-decorating,
music from a DJ, music from a live-performing band, snow cones and other
snacks, holiday decorations for sale, an inflatable bounce house…and I’m sure
I’m missing other activities—all packed into a three-hour winter carnival!
job was mostly to capture photographs of the children with Santa Claus, but
there was enough time before Santa arrived for me to catch some of the snow
play and other activities. Again, being in the middle of all that
excitement and fun, and being able to observe others enjoying it was a real
treat…much like it was for parents who were there enjoying their own
children. The cool thing is that all of the photos with Santa Claus are
being provided at no cost to the parents as part of the overall event—which
itself was totally free to everyone! Below are just a few of the
photographs I created which will give you a sense of the overall
experience. I had a blast.
yah, I just noticed something else when pasting in the photos… The Snow Sisters
from Frozen were there! (actually, I don’t know too much about them, but
I’m told the line to see them was as long or longer than the line to see Santa

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